Approved by the Bulgarian Federation of Karting Sports. Over the years Varna karting track received various awards such as: "The most progressive sport in the municipality of Varna" and the award for outstanding contribution to the development of karting sport of the annual ceremony of the Bulgarian Karting Sport Federation. Annually organize and conduct professional national and international competitions. In order to promote the sport and maintain the interest of customers organize and various Amateur Championships, Student Equity and Promotion, Media and Corporate events.
Measuring system: measurement software for time - AMB TIMING. Each kart is equipped with a transponder, whose transmitter by radio signal reflects the number of karting. Never stay on the start / finish line, she picks up the transponder signal and measured to an accuracy of every 1 / 1000 sec. This is the same technology and equipment as in Formula 1. We maintain a database with all relevant data of our clients and keep records and during their tours of each visit to the karting track. You can request a printout with the times for each lap.
Admission fees you will find here
Public bus line 31 will get to the carting track (bus stop "Razklon Vinitsa").
Opening hours:
10:00 - 21:00hrs
Contact details:
Varna, Vinica district
tel.:+359 52 717 077; +359 899 980 481