“Ofitserski” beach (“Officer`s” beach), or the area around the First seashore embankment, borders Second seashore embankment beach and “Ribarski” beach. The slope is descending smoothly towards the beach and you could sense the fresh air of The Sea garden.
The alley here becomes more animated and you will find numerous bars, clubs and restaurants where you could get something to eat almost 24-hours a day. The beach strip is not that wide but well maintained and clean. Besides beach equipment you will be able to hire a water wheel. Fishing lovers enjoy the spot as well.
The famous hot water small pool called “Topla voda” is also situated nearby.
“Ofitserski” beach’s sand is famous among sand collectors as well. Geologists state the sand here is not only beautiful colourful grains but an intriguing mineral – pure quartz sands.
If you wish to enjoy the sunshine on this particular beach you could easily reach it coming from The Sea Garden. It is only 450 m away from The Palace of culture and sports (bus lines 9, 14, 17A, 39, 409 to bus stop “Sportna zala”).
To reach the beach by car you need to get to “Pochivka” area and drive along the beach alley. Parking spaces are in place but have in mind it is a very busy area.
You can easily go there cycling or getting on the Tourist Attraction train.