The "Fountain with the Sirens" is situated north of “Morsko kazino” and it is one of the most romantic and emblematic spots in The Sea Garden.
The construction began in 1926 under the initiative of Petar Stoyanov (Mayor of Varna) and park designer Anthon Novak. The idea was approved by the Municipality and Kiril Shivarov was assigned a task to make the fountain plastic art.
At that time Kiril Shivarov had already established a sculptor school and together with the young sculptors started working on the plastic art.
The fountain is а circular basin, with an exquisite decorative and figurative sculpture in the middle, presenting a mythical world. The sculpture represents three mermaids sitting on natural rocks. The sirens support a big wavy seashell with their necks. And within the seashell there are sculptures of playing children. The diameter of the fountain is 10 m, and the dimensions of the composition are 2,80 / 3,30 m. It is made of artificial and nature rocks as well as cement.
The fountain was inaugurated in the summer of 1928 at the time when “Morsko kasino” was officially opened for visitors. Those two symbols of nowadays Varna, the “Morsko kazino” and "The Fountain with the Sirens" were part of a project of the 20s of 20th century – Varna to become an international seaside resort following an European model.